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Discours de Bruno Gollnisch à Washington

French Member of the European Parliament
Vice-president of the Front National party

American Renaissance Conference, Washington DC, USA.

Sunday February 24th, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, let me thank all the organizers for this conference, and especially my friend Jared Taylor, for inviting me. It is a pleasure and an honor for me to be here.

I will speak about the future of the party for which I am vice-president, the French Front National, but I also think that it might be useful to begin with the actual situation of the European patriots.

Patriots and the European Union

Talking about the situation inside each European country would be useful. But in fact the actual perspective, and I deplore it, shows that our problems are mutual and prevail all over Europe. That is why I will say a few words about what happens within the institutions of the European Union, that has been rightfully described yesterday by my colleague Ashley Mote as the European Soviet Union.

During 2007, and for the first time since 1994, a parliamentary group of European nationalists arose within the European Parliament. Members of various European States joined together to create a group, called ITS : « Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty ». This group was made of Austrian, British, such as my colleague Ashley Mote present with us today, Flemish, Italian, Romanian, Bulgarian and of course French members.

Unfortunately our group lasted eleven months only, because of the problems linked to the last Romanian situation and elections could not make it possible for us to maintain a sufficient number of members necessary to the survival of ITS regarding the Parliament’s unfair rule of procedure. But, during those eleven months, we proved that european « congressmen » of different nationalities, regarding themselves as patriots and eurosceptic sovereigntist, were ready to work together to organize concrete operations.

This experiment strengthened our belief that it is important to have this kind of political weapon in order to have a real weight within Europe and to defend our identities and values the best we can.

In fact, the hostility expressed against our group and the maneuvers aiming at preventing its reconstitution are the proofs that our ideas disturb. Not really because they were told to be extremist but because they are unbearable for the globalists of all kinds, such as these Christian-Democrats, Social-Democrats or all other liberals, to hear a systematic reminder of the existence and the interests of the People and Nations of Europe first.

You must know that today, in each and every twenty seven European countries, the large majority of the adopted legislation each year by the national Parliaments is nothing but the transposition of European texts. It is then in Strasbourg and in Brussels that a first row of resistance must be organized against the most absurd and noxious texts ever imagined by Brussels bureaucrats. This is why nationalists of Europe must link their efforts and organize themselves to recreate both a political network and then a parliamentary group capable to have their voice heard from all peoples of Europe.

(Now) Our basic principles

Like all patriots, whether European or American, our political struggle is to defend our national identities. But we also fight for the defense of the true European values, which founded our civilization for which America also is one of the heiress. This identity lies on common, ethnic, linguistic, cultural and spiritual fundamentals. These characteristics have created a geographically limited territory, with precise external borders. Logically, consequently, Europe can only be widened to other European countries sharing the same ethnical heritage, culture, civilization and influence of Christian (and not Moslem) spirituality.

We stand for:

Independence towards the globalist financial powers, the Media, stateless lobbies and multinationals
Independence towards Washington’s policy as long as it is serving the interest of the globalization project;
The Right, for each State, to decide what is allowed or not inside its borders, which people, which product, or which capital…in essence, the right of self determination.

These elementary points, part of which are the principles of the European patriots, are those we need to rise again.

This project is essential as the European nations are about to lose their respective freedoms, sovereignties, and see themselves melting in a formless magma in which the European technocrats are throwing us. The same formless magma your elite are turning the United States into.
I would like to make it clear that, by refusing this new Eurocratic Superstate, we are not anti-european at all. Indeed, we are the only one to remain faithful to the true spirit and genius of Europe. For in human history, Europe has been the place where was invented the freedom and equality of nations.
A concept that does not exist in other civilizations such as for example the Chinese or the Islamic civilizations.
From the greek cities in Antiquity down to to the treaties of Westphalen, 1648, which ended the 30 years war, and Utrecht, 1713, which ended the war for succession to the Spanish throne, the principle has been clearly formulated of a “fair balance of power”, “justum potentiae aequilibrium”, meaning that there can be no superpower in Europe. With all the consequences : equality of nations ; equal treatment and immunity for their ambassadors ; equal access to the high sea ; equal possibility to discover new territories ; and, above all, the invention of the droit des gens européen, ius gentium, i.e. what we call today international law.

Patriots against the Lisbon Treaty / Treason treaty

However, two weeks ago, the French Parliament voted for the waving of our national independence, in favor of the European Union. Meaning the end of a multi secular independence of fifteen centuries, preserved at the cost of huge sacrifices made by our ancestors, at the price of their blood and also of yours!

On May 29th 2005, by referendum, and against the will of ninety % of the members of the Parliament, the French people had, with a vast majority, clearly rejected the project of a European constitution. He was shortly after followed by the Dutch. This text, in which only the order of the articles has been changed, is imposed again to the French today, under the name of Lisbon treaty.

In fact, the more « honest » – or rather the most cynical- European leaders acknowledged that the text of the Lisbon treaty is the same as the text of the rejected Constitution. Like the German chancellor Angela Merkel who declared concerning the Lisbon Treaty “Let us keep the substance, and change the wording” as the former President of the Italian Council Giuliano D’Amato, the Belgian Foreign Minister Karel de Gucht, or the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Junker, the Irish Prime Minister Berthie Ahern or the Czech President Vaclav Klaus. Even Valery Giscard d’Estaing, former President of the French Republic… and former Chairman of the special european constitutional committee. They all acknowledged that the Lisbon treaty was neither « mini », neither « simplified », but more or less the repetition of the European Constitution.

To impose to the French, under another form, a text that they already rejected, constitutes a sheer violation of the popular will which was expressed in its undeniable form: the referendum! Moreover, this treaty, imposed in a complete violation of the popular expression, creates antidemocratic institutions itself such as a non elected President who will not have to report to anybody. A real EU government is about to be created in which all European countries will no longer be represented.

I am happy to say here, in the United States, and to our American friends our deep concerns about the fact that the European ministers are subjected to the directives from Washington, as proved by the recent scandal of the Bush administrations instructions given to the Slovenian authorities.
Slovenia, who currently chairs the European Union, had the instruction to recognize the allegedly « necessary » independence of Kosovo. Country populated today mainly by Moslems originating from an Albanian immigration which drove out the Christian Serbs. The Lisbon treaty exposes the principle of a necessary compatibility between the Foreign and defense policy of Europe with the NATO policy. This makes Europe a back-up troop of the American federal policy in wars which are not ours. Wars who are not in the best interests of America either, like yesterday in Iraq and Serbia or maybe tomorrow against Iran… The only beneficiaries of these wars are the Oil multinational shareholders.

Other aspects of this treaty: each state of the European Union is likely to become a controlled local community, who could even be parceled in more federated entities…french regions, german Länder, with less freedom than the States of America still retain towards the federal authorities of Washington DC.

In parallel, the Lisbon treaty supports an international free trade without any protection, a factor of unfair competition, closing down or relocating our companies for the only profit of some stateless multinationals and the third world countries. As in the United States, comparing with the Latin-American or Chinese trade, the alleged « liberalization » of the services in Europe will draw million of wages to the bottom line. In the same time the European central Bank will control our finances, our economy, and our social policy. Without any possible guidance nor control, neither from the authorities of the Member States, nor even from the European political institutions.

The European super State will decide alone the authorizations of entry in each European country. Very soon the entire immigration policy will escape from our control thanks to the maneuvers of European technocrats who scorn the European identities as your technocrats scorn the real identity of the United States.

The conditions of membership within the European Union have been so widened that tomorrow countries of Central Asia, Maghreb or the Middle East could meet the requirements to become members. It is the case of Turkey in particular, with whom one continues to negotiate its accession, with the support of the globalists who found a way to destroy our native European identity.

Today, to get such a controversial text adopted, which has nothing to do with the true genius of Europe, no government wants a referendum, except in Ireland. The President of the French Republic himself recognized it ; they know that the people’s vote would express a clear refusal.

When the elite violate to this degree the principles they are supposed to defend and for which they have been comfortably seated, then starts a new era that legitimates the resistance to tyranny.

The current situation of the French Front National party

To carry out this struggle, France has the Front National party, which in spite of an electoral setback last year, is still an essential tool.

The first reason for us to keep our hopes up is that we won the battle of ideas.
Indeed, the great paradox today is that our ideas are shared by many French. But many of our voters turned away, believing the promises made by the candidates of the system who, once elected, hastened to violate their engagements. Nevertheless, this tactical maneuver/manipulation cannot hide our doctrinal victory: we imposed our speech, taken again by the other political parties and concerning for example immigration, insecurity, identity and patriotism.

Unfortunately for France, President Sarkozy’s party, who again misused our important ideas for the patriotic voter, never intended to apply them in any fields:

In the field of immigration, the expulsion figure of illegal immigrants remains very low whereas in the same time immigration grows continuously.
Insecurity is a field in which the official crime statistics are largely underestimated in comparison with those made by independent observers.
The economy idles, the national debt is enormous, and unemployment remains on a level higher than 8% of the working population in spite of the government faking the figures and in spite of the increase of the number of pensioners

That is why we are hoping that, sooner or later, the French will open their eyes about these failures and all the empty promises that have been made.

Our third reason to hope is the disappearance of the demonization reef around our party. Lionel Jospin, socialist Prime Minister of France from 1997 to 2002, recognized a few months ago that the fight against the Front National party was a « political theatre », and that France never faced any fascist threat.

All these reasons make me feel more confident about the future of our struggle, at least on the long term, if not immediately.

Today, it is necessary that all the patriots meet again, and join hands with people who are not hypnotized by multiculturalism or miscegenation that is the foundation of liberal’s modern religion, or by this globalization destroying our identities. They must fight for themselves in a mutual way and lead this struggle for the survival of their Nations and civilization. It is not only necessary ; it is also possible.

To conclude, I will allow myself to speak with the own words of the President of my party, Jean-Marie Le Pen: « Patriots of all countries, unite! »
Thank you very much

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