Bruno Gollnisch gives his opinion about the purchase and possession of firearms in Europe with regard to the european directive 91/477/EEC.
The fervour that our rulers show to disarm honest people when they let scoundrels loose is something absolutely illogical.
I was sometimes accused of being a partisan of conspiracy theories, yes and no, because in some way conspiracies now are in broad daylight. Every measures taken all go in the same way, the way of decline, of decadence, of disorder.
Remember what Mrs. Marisol Touraine said about this awful information campaign, that it was dreadful because it signified a returned to a certain moral order and she, herself wants to impose moral disorder.
We want to disarm people who have legal owners, do you really think that true bandits, armed robber, assassins, or terrorists, like Merah, and so on, took their firearms and got them registered at the préfecture. Do you think that the thugs killing each other with Kalashnikov in Marseille came from rifle clubs, are reserve officers, or that they stole hunting rifles, not at all, they have Kalashnikov that are found almost on open sale.
So, it’s not the people that this directive will affect who are at the source of modern criminality. There is actually a great advantage to having a number of home with legal gun owners. As for myself, I’m satisfied with an authentic, but well sharpened, samurai sword gifted by my Japanese friend, Mr. Kimura.
philippe bestetti dit
Si j’étais anglais peut être que l’article m’aurait intéressé, mais je suis français et j’aime les articles écrits dans ma langue. sûrement une erreur informatique.
Bistouille Poirot dit
BRUNO s’exprime en français me semble t il et très prochainement ses interventions en français, anglais, allemand et espagnol seront élargies au chinois et au japonais que notre expert maîtrise tout comme un ressortissant du Soleil Levant.
Odette Chaboud dit
Oui ! parlons français … Mais, peut-être que Bruno Gollnisch de cette façon nous invite à aller sur » ses » vidéos entendre son sujet en français … Je le verrais bien ministre de l’Education Nationale son bon français ne fait pas de doute … Et, quel changement avec ce que nous avons. Pour se rattraper Bruno Gollnisch, pourrait traduire son topo aussi en bon japonais …